dilluns, 20 de juny del 2011

Danmas 2, Next Dances and more!

I'm watching a Tadanon's live >w<

Well, lets start ^^
Today I'm watching The danmas 2 again >.< I cried a lot. It's very amazing! I'm always thinking about it. All the dancers did it perfect! They all did it very good. おめでと~! This is one of my favourite stages of the danmas >w<

About my channel, ごめんなさい、みんなさん!>< I'll upload my next dance as soon as possible! But I don't know which will it be >.< btw, I'm always practising and learning dances, so, I'll give my best!!! 頑張りますよ~!

I'm learning Japanese myself, It's very difficult, but, If I practise a lot, after this summer I'll be able to speak it =D

Well, I should go to dance, see you later 8D

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